
Welding at LHC tunnel during the LS1 (Credit: CERN)
CMS detector during the LS1 (Credit: CERN)
Fragment-Separator FRS – Exterior (Image: GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH, G.Otto)


The 4-year project starts on 1st May 2013. The ambition of the new EuCARD-2 project is to build upon, consolidate and extend the broad collaboration started by the two IAs: CARE in FP6 and EuCARD in FP7.

The EuCARD-2 information sheet is available here

Essential dimensions of this EuCARD-2 project are:

  • To connect transversally the different large accelerator laboratories and reinforce a collaborative approach to outstanding upgrades of major infrastructures.
  • To reinforce their links to universities, specialized institutes and applied research institutes offering opportunities for the latter to participate in major projects of excellence, and for the former to benefit from the dynamism of universities, the high competence of specialized institutes, and the proximity of applied research institutes with industry, outside the traditional accelerator landscape. This concept also offers opportunities for countries with a large intellectual potential, but still limited research infrastructures.
  • To concentrate the common resources on few Research and Development activities of excellence, where Europe can keep or gain leadership in outstanding research infrastructures and develop favourable conditions for innovation beyond the primary research goals.
  • To share the challenges of high-gain high-risk R&D studies.

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