Issue 21 of Accelerating News has been published
The final EuCARD-2 annual meeting will be held in Glasgow, hosted by the University of Strathclyde, from 28th - 30th March 2017.
The latest version of Accelerating News has now been published.
The latest version of Accelerating News has now been published.
Tha latest issue of Accelerating News featured a summary of the WP3 workshop on accelerator energy efficiency.
Applications for beam time at HiRadMat facility at CERN SPS are now open. Deadline: 15 November 2015.
The Project is preparing for its Mid-Term Review on 28 May.
The 2nd Annual meeting kicks off at ALBA Synchrotron More
4 days until the 2nd Annual Meeting at ALBA. Visit the meeting page for the agenda
Register for the 2nd Annual Meeting until 13 April
2nd Annual Meeting in ALBA, Spain between 21-24 April
Register to the Universities meet Laboratories EUCAN event on 30 Sept-1 Oct.
Applications are open for beam time requests at the HiRadMat facility at CERN SPS. The deadline is on the 19th of September. Apply here.
Photo highlights from the 1st Annual Meeting and 1st Workshop on Accelerator Magnets in HTS
EuCARD-2 co-organized Pint of Science CH science festival on 20-21 May.
115 experts gather in DESY, Hamburg to review the progress in the 1st year of the project. EuCARD-2 1st Annual Meeting between 19-23 May.
EuCARD-2 is sponsoring events of the Pint of Science festival in Switzerland, between 20-21 May.
Showcasing advanced collimator material developed by EuCARD-2 WP11 at Hannover Messe.
The new EuCARD-2 handout is available.
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Accelerating News Issue 9 published