WP3: Energy Efficiency (EnEfficient)

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The EnEfficient network is based on the recent consciousness that accelerator have to be sustainable over the long term and socially acceptable by reducing their environmental impact and their energy consumption. The novelty is evident, because in the past very little has been done to analyse and optimise the energy flow of accelerator facilities, considering energy a sort of endless supply, to be freely exploited for the benefit of science. This network federates the different research centers that have recently launched internal programmes aimed at analysing strategies to save energy and concentrates on promoting, following and coordinating clear technological solutions rather than multiplying the declarations of principle.

  • Evaluate recovery efficiency at different temperature levels and evaluate options to raise temperature levels of typical cooling circuits
  • Investigate ways to raise the efficiency of RF generating devices
  • Investigate and compare methods for energy storage
  • Discuss requirements for accelerator control systems
  • Compare and discuss options for energy efficient beam transfer lines, such options include permanent magnets, pulsed magnets, superconducting coils


  1. Coordination and Communication
  2. Energy recovery from cooling circuits
  3. Higher electronic efficiency RF power generation
  4. Short term energy storage systems
  5. Virtual power plant
  6. Beam transfer channels with low power consumption

The EuCARD-2 Networks share a common platform for information exchange and collaboration, the EuCAN Coordination of Accelerator Networks.

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