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This theme regroups several important topics regarding novel accelerator concepts in different fields: laserdriven and proton-driven PWFA (plasma wake field acceleration), including femtosecond arrival time control. On the one hand, laser-driven plasma wake field acceleration has been under study in many European institutes and universities mostly on an individual basis. In EuCARD-2, steps are made towards a collaborative experimental characterization and assessment of different methods of production of high brightness electron beams by several leading partners (CNRS-LOA, HZDR, INFN and USTRATH). On the road to higher energy acceleration, a two stage all optical acceleration process is characterized, as a first step towards chaining laser-driven PWFA cells.
- Feasibility study of external injection done at INFN and HFZD
- Optical injection done at LOA and LLC
- Two stage laser plasma accelerator done at STRATH
- Digital intra-bunch-train feedback for femtosecond arrival-time control of electron bunches
- Concept for plasma cells for beam acceleration with a length of equal or above 10m
- Understand instabilities and modulations in long plasma, driver and accelerated beam
- Prototyping and development of diagnostics for long plasma cells to be used in CERN experiment testing proton-driven plasma wakefield acceleration
- Coordination and Communication
- Achievement of high brightness electron beam with laser plasma accelerators
- Ultra-fast accelerator science
- Modulation of long plasmas