WP6: Low Emittance Rings (LOW-e-RING)

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The LOW-e-RING network has been defined after the identification in two recent ICFA Workshops of a synergy between damping rings for electron colliders, synchrotron light sources and advanced factories (e+/e- colliders), which are facing similar problems in the control of very low emittance beams. The goal of this network is to federate for the first time these communities towards a common effort in defining theoretical and technological solutions and in promoting common technical choices.

  • Enable evaluation of methods, approaches and numerical tools for designing ultra-low emittance optics
  • Focus on methods to evaluate impact of impedances and instabilities in low emittance rings
  • Promote interactions concerning insertion devices, magnets and alignment in low emittance rings


  1. Coordination and Communication
  2. Low Emittance Ring Design (LERD)
  3. Instabilities, Impedances and Collective Effects (IICE)
  4. Low Emittance Rings Technology (LERT)

The EuCARD-2 Networks share a common platform for information exchange and collaboration, the EuCAN Coordination of Accelerator Networks.

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